Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ultimate Energy Cleanse || Follow-up || 11 November 2009

I am nearing the end of Day 2 since I finished the Cleanse (or perhaps it’s Day 10 of my new way of eating!). Amazingly, I have not yet had coffee or a bagel! What?! I simply haven’t felt like it. I haven’t been able to eat as purely, freshly, and healthily as I would like, because I had to do some lunch and dinner meetings that I had postponed during the Cleanse. That is probably the most challenging part about this new way of eating: having to eat out / being on the road. I need to accept that, and to be okay with doing my best, especially as I am approaching a month of travel to commence in a few days.

My body craves and prefers fresh fruits and veggies, even if it means I have to go down to the market, come home and wash, prepare, and cook everything myself. It definitely feels like eating is more of a whole body nourishment now, rather than satisfying these demanding little taste buds of mine. The body is more intelligent than the mind as far as what is good for the body, and it’s like the Cleanse gave the body a proper opportunity to speak up and strengthen its voice over the chatter of the mind.

During the Cleanse, when I would go to the grocery store and see junk food, I was able to see my mental processing of the junk food. I saw the kettle chips placed strategically near the cash registers. The usual mental dialogue I have is something like this: “Mmmm, kettle chips. Should I get some today? No, I know they’re bad for me. But mmmm they will taste sooo good! No, I’m going to be disciplined today.” Of course every now and then, I succumb, and I might allow myself one of the smaller snack-sized bags (which usually end up just being a tease). During the Cleanse, however, the mental dialogue was much simpler. I had my rules, and I was committed to following them for the 7-day period. So as I was looking at the chips, instead of being caught up in wishing I could eat them, I was aware that I was wishing I could eat them. And it was like I was able to see the desire, and once I could see it, it didn’t have as strong of an effect on me. I didn’t need to talk myself out of buying it. It was so simple: why would I want to pay for and eat something that is not good for me??

Mindful eating really is a practice in self-awareness!

The ladies of the Ultimate Energy Cleanse (who again, have been soooo helpful with their responses to my barrage of questions) say that the foods from the Cleanse will serve well as a “foundation”, but that it’s probably important to add more protein into your regular diet. I definitely agree with that, especially since I am a fairly active yogini. I’ve also started to reconsider the Eat Right for Your Blood Type Diet, which I came across several years ago. I googled some information on that, and I’m going to apply as much of those guidelines as feel right for me.

All of this has deepened my understanding of and appreciation for food and for my body. And even though it takes more planning and more effort than calling in for a pizza, it feels so much better. In the short run, I don’t feel bloated, heavy, or tired after eating, and therefore I have a lot of fresh and happy energy and I don’t feel the need to caffeinate myself. In the long run, I reckon there may be bigger benefits to my health and wellness.

We’ll see!

Let me know if you have any questions. With BIG DELICIOUS LOVE! Leah xo


vt3 said...

I've always wanted to do a "cleanse", but never really had the discipline... No coffee?! Can't even begin to imagine that... but your blog is very inspiring! We'll see...

Yoga and the lifestyle changes it's brought for me over the past year have seen me give up all meat (still eating fish 2 or 3 times a week, as well as eggs and some dairy... my blood type also requires more protien!), and I eat "raw" for breakfast and lunch 3 or 4 times a week as well...

Raw juices have been a big difference too, and I get in some vege juice 5 to 7 times a week.

The results have been fantastic in terms of weight loss, overall increases in energy, and the general sense of well being I get from knowing that I treat food as "fuel" and building materials for a better human machine...

Keep inspiring people!


Javed said...

If this is something you cannot afford there are a multitude of beginners DVD's for under $30 that will help act as an instructor in the privacy of your home.
Yoga Teacher Training San Francisco

Anonymous said...

Great blog,I agree Iwould find it very hard to say good bye to caffine.